SiriusXM vs. ADS-B | SiriusXM

SiriusXM Aviation vs. ADS-B

Compare SiriusXM with ADS-B weather and determine which solution is best for you.
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Air Safety Institute: SXM vs. ADS-B

In this review from AOPA’s Air Safety Institute, John Zimmerman, an aviation writer and ATP, compares the service that revolutionized cockpit weather - SiriusXM Aviation - to the more recent ADS-B (FIS-B).

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Lightening bolt graphic
Dare to Compare

Check out, in detail, the differences between SiriusXM Aviation and ADS-B weather – from delivery method, frequency of updates, to features offered.

Dare to Compare

Infographic - SXM vs. ADS-B: What does this mean for your flight?

‘Fly’ through this interactive infographic to see the differences between SiriusXM Aviation and ADS-B weather at each stage of flight.

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Compare SiriusXM Aviation Plans to ADS-B

Select a SiriusXM Aviation plan with the dropdown to compare its features to ADS-B weather (FIS-B).

Package Features


Fees, taxes and Offer Details apply.

SiriusXM Pilot Express
Network Coverage
Network Coverage
No altitude limitations / no line-of-sight restrictionsAltitude limitations / line-of-sight restrictions
Coast to Coast High-Res (2km) Composite NEXRAD Radar
Coast to Coast High-Res (2km) Composite NEXRAD Radar
CONUS (2.5 min updates)Hi-res limited to 150-250 NM of position. Lower res beyond that. Update rates vary.
High-Resolution Base Reflectivity Radar
High-Resolution Base Reflectivity Radar
Not included
NEXRAD Storm Cell Attributes
NEXRAD Storm Cell Attributes
Not included
Lightning: Cloud-to-Cloud & Cloud-to-Ground
Lightning: Cloud-to-Cloud & Cloud-to-Ground
CONUS & non-CONUS (2.5 min updates)Cloud-to-Ground only / Limited to 150 to 250 NM of position dependent on plane altitude in CONUS
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs)
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs)
CONUSLimited to 100NM of position
Winds Aloft
Winds Aloft
Observed & forecasted 1 hour updates /
Forecasted 12 hour updates limited to 500-1000NM, dependent on plane altitude
Temps Aloft
Temps Aloft
Observed & forecasted 1 hour updates / CONUS & non-CONUS Forecasted 12 hour updates limited to 500-1000NM, dependent on plane altitude
CONUS & non-ConusLimited to 250-500NM of position
CONUS & non-ConusLimited to 250-500NM of position
Tropical Storm Tracks with Windfields
Tropical Storm Tracks with Windfields
Not included
Standard Forecast Winds
Standard Forecast Winds
Not included
High-Resolution Surface Winds Forecast
High-Resolution Surface Winds Forecast
Not included
Weather Map w/Surface Features & Isobars
Weather Map w/Surface Features & Isobars
Not included
Radar Coverage/Site Status
Radar Coverage/Site Status
Not included
Icing NOWcast
Icing NOWcast
Observed data / CONUS & non-CONUSForecasted data 150-250 NM dependent on plane altitude
Not included
Limited to 250-500NM of position
Cloud Top Image
Cloud Top Image
Not included
Forecasted data 150-250 NM dependent on plane altitude
Echo Top Raster
Echo Top Raster
Not included
Not included
Graphical Turbulence Guidance
Graphical Turbulence Guidance
Not included
150-250 NM dependent on plane altitude
Freezing Level
Freezing Level
Not included
Surface Visibility Forecast
Surface Visibility Forecast
Not included
Not included
150+ Channels of SiriusXM Satellite Radio3
150+ Channels of SiriusXM Satellite Radio3
Additional subscription required
Not included
Canadian Weather Warnings
Canadian Weather Warnings
Not included
Not included
N/ALimited to 100NM of position
Special Use Airspace Status
Special Use Airspace Status
N/ALimited to 100NM of position

2-Month SiriusXM Aviation Trial

Try 2 months of SiriusXM Aviation’s weather and entertainment to decide if it’s right for you. Click for Offer Details.


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Aviation coverage map
Service Coverage Area

SiriusXM Aviation service is available in the continental United States, southern Canada and coastal regions.
Explore the coverage map

Canadian pilots, please visit us at

Need some extra assistance?

Call 1-855-796-9847 or email for personalized help with SiriusXM Aviation. You can also log in to your account if you have account specific issues.


How can I temporarily suspend service if I won’t be flying for a while (due to winter weather, maintenance, other)?

You can suspend your SiriusXM Aviation Weather service at no cost for up to 6 months when you are not using it by calling 1-800-985-9200 and asking to suspend.

Are there any long-term subscription requirements for SiriusXM Aviation Weather service?

You can subscribe monthly to SiriusXM Aviation service or annually. The SiriusXM Aviation subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your...

How often is the SiriusXM Aviation Weather data updated?

SiriusXM Aviation data service elements are updated at multiple rates. Dynamic elements like radar and lightning are updated every 2.5 minutes (twice as fast as ADS-B), while other more stable data...

I live/fly in Canada - where can I purchase SiriusXM Aviation weather service?

SiriusXM Aviation coverage area includes southern Canada. Canadian residents can subscribe to SiriusXM Aviation at