Dear Lisa Ann: Sex Addiction, cryotherapy and regrets
Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm ET for awhile now, but she also knows a thing or two about real life. Each week, … Continued

Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm ET for awhile now, but she also knows a thing or two about real life. Each week, she’ll be answering your burning questions about sex, relationships and her personal life. This time around, she’s tackling: The difference between Facebook friends vs. real friends, managing her Psoriasis, and the after effects of a career in the adult film industry.
Dear Lisa Ann,
I loved you on Jay Mohrs podcast. I’m so glad to hear you’re such a reader. Your intellectual take on the porn business gave me an alternative perspective about the sex industry from a woman’s point of view. Question: Can you think of a book that might help men understand the struggles and fears woman in the sex industry experience? I have an addiction to porn/prostitutes and I think it might help me connect with women on a more personal level.
Thanks! And congratulations on your success outside porn!
– Sex Addict
Dear Sex Addict,
Thank you for the compliment on my guest spot on Jay Mohr’s podcast! It was a lot of fun to do and even more fun to listen to. Now, let’s talk about you and addiction. It is very common that someone with a sex addiction would lean on porn and prostitutes. You are using these outlets to feed your cravings in a way that you never could in a relationship. I suggest you immediately do some research to find a good doctor and commit to sitting down with him or her to map out a plan to battle your addiction. There is not a book I’d recommend that I could say, with confidence, would help you. Your addiction is much bigger than that. You need to seek professional help and find a way to combat and win the battle against your addiction. When you are able to let go of things that control you, like your sex addiction, you will have a much better chance of living a happier, more complete life where you can meet someone you care about and who cares about you in return. Good luck! Be strong, focused and committed to change!
– Lisa Ann
Dear Lisa Ann,
I listen to your shows on the Fantasy Sports Network every week and I have heard you talking about Cryotherapy. I’m curious to hear more about it. What do you like so much about it? How often do you do it? How cold is it really?
I have arthritis and I was wondering if it would be something good for me to try.
I will be ready and waiting for your answer!
– Ready to Freeze
Dear Ready to Freeze,
How about I walk your through the process of a cryrotherapy visit. First, you should know that it will range between 100-200 degrees below freezing in the cryo chamber, and the maximum amount of time you can be exposed is three minutes. When I arrive I change out of my clothes into a robe with socks, rubber slip-on shoes, earmuffs, gloves and a face mask. When I step into the chamber I remove just the robe. I started with ninety seconds and worked up to three minutes. Yes, it feels cold, but it isn’t a painful cold, it is a relieving cold. Within five minutes after I get out of the chamber I feel like I have more energy and I can feel all my aches and pains go away instantly. The cold temperature reduces inflammation and speeds up the metabolism, helping me burn between 500-800 extra calories a day. Some people do visit for weight loss, but for me it is really about overall health. I started this adventure when I had a broken toe. After two visits my swelling was already down enough to go back to wearing shoes and go back to the gym. I was instantly fascinated and decided to try it consistently for a month. I also have a little arthritis and it has kept my minor aches and pains at bay. After the first month I was able to go without taking daily allergy medications, which was huge for me. I love the fact that I am back to being able to work out as hard as I want with no fear of being sore. I step into the cryo chamber and walk out feeling brand new!
– Lisa Ann
Dear Lisa Ann,
Looking back at your life, what’s your biggest regret and what’s one thing you wish you had done differently?
– Looking Back
Dear Looking Back,
Life is just too short to have regrets. That is something I really believe with all my heart. We all make mistakes, we all look back on moments and literally shake our head, but once it is in the past, in my eyes, it is unchangeable. I only work on the things I CAN change: the present, and the future. That is all any of us can do. When I see that I have made a mistake that I could regret, I tell myself to forgive myself first and second to never do that thing again. It keeps me from carrying things with me and holding on to things I can’t change. If I do regret one thing, it is always in the form of fantasy sports, like when a player on my bench scores more points than the player I started. Those are very annoying regrets, but if those are the worst regrets I have, then I am doing okay!
– Lisa Ann
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