Dear Lisa Ann: YouTube fitness videos, Paleo diet tips, career advice | SiriusXM

Dear Lisa Ann: YouTube fitness videos, Paleo diet tips, career advice

Learn more: Lisa Ann now hosts the sex & relationships show “Better Halves” on Raw Comedy Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm … Continued

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SiriusXM Editor
July 22, 2016

Learn more: Lisa Ann now hosts the sex & relationships show “Better Halves” on Raw Comedy

Former No. 1 Adult Film Star Lisa Ann has been putting the “fantasy” in SiriusXM’s Fantasy Sports Radio every Monday night at 10 pm ET for awhile now, but she also knows a thing or two about real life. Each week, she’ll be answering your burning questions about sex, relationships and her personal life. This time around, she’s tackling: The difference between Facebook friends vs. real friends, managing her Psoriasis, and the after effects of a career in the adult film industry.

Dear Lisa Ann,

Have you ever thought of doing a fitness tape …  and how do you eat?

– Fitness Fan


Dear fan,

Well yes, I am planning on starting to add some fitness videos to my YouTube page later this year. I have learned so many new workouts by watching other videos that now I want to share the routines I do. I eat a strict Paleo diet, otherwise known as the Caveman Diet. I eat meat, chicken, fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. No processed foods — all whole foods. I started this diet when I retired in 2014. And believe it or not, with ease and no pressure over the first year effortlessly I shed 35 pounds. I feel great, have more energy, sleep better and I even have noticed a difference in my skin. This is a diet that I wouldn’t have been able to follow while I was still traveling for a living. So I planned it out before hand as something to look forward to after retirement. I love to cook and I stay on top of being sure I have healthy choices ready to go at all times. I also eat five to six small meals a day to keep my blood sugar where it needs to be so I don’t have cravings for any of the instant fixes that may not be the healthiest of all choices.

– Lisa Ann

Dear Lisa Ann,

First I want to applaud you on your huge career move from the adult movie industry. Like you I feel like I’ve reached a stagnant point in my life and since turning 40 in January,  making a career change is more important than ever. Unfortunately I didn’t attend college and I let personal setbacks stop me from pursuing anything further. Making more money is always important but so is being happy. What I found interesting about you besides you seeming like a very cool, down to earth woman and being a Cowboys fan (very hard to be sometimes) is that you didn’t let criticism or the “it’s a man’s world” mentality stop you from pursuing a career completely different from being an adult entertainer. Also like you I’m a HUGE sports fan, so what advice could you give me on how to get my foot in the door and begin the process of totally changing my career for the better? P.S. Hoping the ‘Boys have a great season this year. I’m ready!

– Ready for Change

Dear Ready for Change,

Let me open by saying thank you for your kind and supportive words. When I realized I was ready to create change in my career and life, I started to build the master plan, with the emphasis on the end goal. I then followed it up by breaking down my plan into smaller goals that would lead me in the direction to my big goal. I wrote a business plan that included a realistic timeline and followed it by journaling weekly. Reviewing my journal entries at he start of each new week helped me stay on the coarse. I also suggest you no longer look back at the “what if’s?” It is all about the future now, looking back and rekindling the feelings of the setbacks you faced will derail you of your plan and take away from the positive energy you need to make this commitment. Set realistic goals, write them down and reward yourself along the way. I found the process to be fulfilling and inspiring. My last but most important piece of advice is this: Never underestimate the power of positive thought.

– Lisa Ann

Dear Lisa Ann,

Is it bad that I lied and told my friend I kissed someone when I didn’t Babe? I’ve actually never had my first kiss. Is this bad? Do you have any suggestions Babe?

Dear fan,

There is no lie that isn’t bad. Small lies just create bigger problems. Now you have to think that when you do have your first kiss, as special as it may be, your friend may tell your first kiss that it was not your first. Let me put it to you this way, our brain only remembers the truth. Eventually you won’t be able to naturally remember the lie and your truth will be found out. In the future I suggest you stick with the truth, your life will be much easier and you personal integrity and character will be much stronger.

– Lisa Ann 
