The Best Elvis Songs by Leiber and Stoller

Counting Down the King: Leiber & Stoller

On Elvis Radio (Ch. 76), we’re Counting Down the King each month: vote for your favorite Elvis songs written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller!

February 7, 2025

Here on Elvis Radio (Ch. 76), we’re Counting Down the King: your votes shape the playlist each month!

Vote for your favorites from a themed list of songs by Elvis Presley – every month, after the votes are tallied, we’ll air a new countdown hosted by Elvis Radio’s Robb Walker.

Check back weekly at for the next poll! You can also stream previous episodes of “Counting Down the King” on the SiriusXM app.

This month, we count down your favorite Elvis songs written by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller.

Directions: Select 5 songs from the list below. You may vote once between 2/7/25 and 2/21/25 at 5pET.

Elvis Countdown: Leiber & Stoller (Poll Closed)
