First presidential debate: SiriusXM on the ground at Hofstra University

You can hear Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s first debate on more than a dozen SiriusXM channels.

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SiriusXM Editor
September 26, 2016

It’s debate night! Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will take center stage at Hofstra University on Monday at 9 p.m. ET. NBC News’ Lester Holt is moderating, and SiriusXM is on the ground bringing you the latest.

As for the debate itself, you can hear it on more than a dozen SiriusXM channels, 9-10:30 p.m. ET:

POTUS (Ch. 124)
Patriot (Ch. 125)
Progress (Ch. 127)
Insight (Ch. 121)
Urban View (Ch. 126)
Bloomberg (Ch. 119)
CNN (Ch. 116)
CNN en Espanol (Ch. 155)
CNBC (Ch. 112)
Fox News Channel (Ch. 114)
Fox Business (Ch. 113)
MSNBC (Ch. 118)
NPR Now (Ch. 122)


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