Hear Dave Matthews Band’s hits, live shows, stories & more on limited-run channel
The Dave Matthews Band Radio channel will be live through Sunday, September 15.

The influential Dave Matthews Band has brought back their exclusive limited-run SiriusXM channel, Dave Matthews Band Radio (Ch. 30). The channel will be live through Sunday, September 15.
In addition to playing music from the band’s extensive career, such as their indelible hits, live songs and musical influences, the channel includes the DMB Friday Night Concert Series. The DMB Friday Night Concert Series features exclusive broadcasts of live concerts from the Dave Matthews Band’s 2019 tour airing on Friday nights throughout the summer. The channel also features exclusive interviews with each of the band members.
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Dave Matthews Band Radio is an example of SiriusXM limited-run channels created with iconic and leading artists including the Eagles, Phish, U2, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel and many more.
SiriusXM subscribers are able to listen to Dave Matthews Band Radio on SiriusXM radios, and those with streaming access can listen online, on-the-go with the SiriusXM mobile app and at home on a wide variety of connected devices including smart TVs, Amazon Alexa devices, Apple TV, PlayStation, Roku, Sonos speakers and more. Go to www.SiriusXM.com/streaming to learn more.
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