Maureen Dowd says Trump and RHONJ Teresa’s table flip have something in common
Of Celebrity Apprentice, Maureen Dowd asked, “Will it say President Trump on the credits?”

President-elect Donald Trump’s outright dismissal of the validity of a CIA assessment over Russia’s role in election-related hackings sounded alarms throughout the intelligence, political and journalistic communities. Many in Congress — specifically Republican leaders — who initially dismissed the allegations have joined the chorus of support for the Senate intelligence panel’s investigation.
“[Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell said this morning, he’s going to go ahead and have hearings, so it’s this rift now in the Republican Party,” veteran journalist and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd told Andy Cohen on Monday.
“I started covering politics with Reagan,” Dowd said with a little bit of a chuckle. “So, it’s impossible to believe this situation where the Republicans who were always were about watching the evil empire, ‘trust but verify‘ are now — Trump is now like, ‘Never mind, they’re our best friends.'”
Cohen also expressed his own concerns about Trump’s reactions to the latest discoveries.
“For the president-elect to say ‘the CIA is full of sh*t, look what they said about the Iraq War,’ that seems a little, scary,” he said during Andy Cohen Live.
“To me it’s a little bit like when Teresa [Giudice] turned the table over,” Dowd said, comparing Trump’s reactions to the infamous table flip on the Real Housewives of New Jersey.
“He’s setting up fights,” Dowd elaborated. “He’s setting up these confrontations all over town and he’s in one with his own intelligence agency, which is crazy.”
After Jan. 20, Dowd has her schedule booked for the next four years. Even though she joked with Cohen that she ‘shouldn’t say this out loud,’ she revealed where she plans to spend her time.
“I’ve already [applied] for a White House press pass so I can go every day,” Dowd admitted with a laugh. “I want to watch from dawn till midnight.”
And Dowd can watch Trump outside of the White House.
“He’s going to continue to be a producer on the Apprentice, which is insane,” Dowd said. “Will it say President Trump on the credits?”
Andy Cohen Live airs Mondays at 10 a.m. ET on Radio Andy (Ch. 102)
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