SiriusXM Community Guidelines
Click here to view our guidelines for posting to our social media networks (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and others).
Welcome! Thanks for being a fan. The SiriusXM social media pages are a place for our listeners and fans to interact with us and each other. We welcome your thoughts and contributions, as well as the give-and-take that naturally flows from a conversation among different people with different tastes in radio content.
We also care about our listener community and each of you individually.
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We do our best to share relevant content featuring topics that are important to you, listen to your feedback, and answer your questions.
In accordance with each platform’s Terms of Use, we offer these guidelines for posting to our social media networks (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and others):
- You must be at least 13 years old to participate in our online communities.
- Although we reserve the right to monitor the content posted to this page, we have no obligation to monitor every social media posting.
- The information and content posted on this page does not represent the views, opinions, statements of SiriusXM, or any SiriusXM channels or subsidiaries, nor does SiriusXM confirm their accuracy.
- We reserve the right to remove any content from this page that: (1) is libelous, profane, defamatory, disparaging, hateful, harassing, threatening, or obscene; (2) is off topic; (3) is “Trolling” or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track; (4) is otherwise sexual or offensive, graphically or in tone; (5) is “spam” activity or is redundant to other posts; (6) solicits sales or charitable donations; or (7) is “link baiting,” that is, embedding a link in your post to draw traffic to your own site.
- Your comment, response, or other posting may also be submitted to law enforcement if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to protect the safety of the public or an individual.
- We may suspend or terminate offender’s rights to access and use any of our social networks at any time without notice.
If you have a customer service request, please email us at
To share your feedback about our programming or app, please click here.
Thanks again for your passion for SiriusXM!
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