Vote for your favorite jukebox records from the ’50s!
Tune in Wednesday, November 21 at 8am ET on 50s on 5 to find out which records made the list!

National Jukebox Day was born from the American tradition of meeting up with family and friends the night before Thanksgiving to reconnect over drinks and load up the jukebox with great memorable tunes. 50s on 5 (Ch. 5) pays tribute to the jukebox with your favorite records on the busiest bar night of the year.
Vote for your favorites below, then hear the top 20 countdown, hosted by The Diner’s Lou Simon.
Tune in Wednesday, November 21 at 8am ET on 50s on 5 to find out which records made the list! Replays air November 21 at 12pm, 5pm & 9pm ET and 11/22 at 1am ET.
Directions: Select 5 songs from the list below. You may vote once, now through Nov. 14, 2018.
Trouble viewing the poll? Click here.
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