Joe Madison The Black Eagle

President Barack Obama: "We Were Lucky" With H1N1; Skeptical African Americans Should "Follow The Guidelines" On Getting A Vaccine
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President Barack Obama to Joe Madison, on getting a COVID vaccine: "I understand, historically, everything dating back all the way to the Tuskegee experiments and so forth, why the African American community would have some skepticism. But the fact of the matter is that vaccines are why we don't have Polio anymore, and the reason why we don't have a whole bunch of kids dying from Measles, and Smallpox, and diseases that used to decimate entire populations and communities. So I think it is important for people to follow the guidelines that are going to be issued."
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President Barack Obama: "We Were Lucky" With H1N1; Skeptical African Americans Should "Follow The Guidelines" On Getting A Vaccine
/ 4:44