SiriusXM Do Not Call Policy

Do Not Call Policy

It is the policy of Sirius XM Radio Inc. ("SiriusXM") to respect the request of call recipients who inform us that they do not wish to receive telemarketing calls or telephone solicitations from SiriusXM.

In compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations:

If you do not wish to receive sales calls from SiriusXM, you may ask us to place your telephone number on SiriusXM's Do Not Call ("DNC") List. We will process your request immediately but please allow up to 10 days for us to remove your information from active telemarketing and telephone solicitation lists that are in flight.

  • Online without a SiriusXM Login or Account: You can submit your phone number online to add it to SiriusXM's DNC List regardless of whether you have a SiriusXM account or login. Enter the phone number you wish to add and the CAPTCHA letters displayed on the screen, then hit "Continue". Upon successful submission, a page will display confirming your number has been added to SiriusXM's DNC list.

  • Online with a SiriusXM Login or Account: You may make this request by logging into your Online Account. To use this method, you will need to register an account first if you already have a subscription, including a trial subscription. All of your contact preferences can be updated there. Go to the Tab "My Account Info" and there you will find a Tab called "Communication Preferences." The first method listed is "Phone." Please make sure the number we show is correct; if it is not, please edit it. You can add additional phone numbers and switch back and forth between "Call" and "Do Not Call" for any numbers. Remember to "Save Preferences" before you leave the page and "Log Out."

  • By Online Live Chat: Chat with a member of our Listener Care Support Team. Begin here.

  • By Phone: Call SiriusXM’s Listener Care Center at 1-866-303-5603.

  • By Mail: If you do not have an account with us, you may make your request in writing.

    • Write to: Sirius XM Radio Inc.
      "Do Not Call" Compliance Manager
      P.O. Box 33174
      Detroit, MI 48232

    • Include your name, your account number(s), and all telephone numbers you want to be included on our DNC list.

If your information changes, please notify us as soon as possible.

You will remain on our DNC List indefinitely, until you advise us that you wish to be removed from our DNC List.

Please note that SiriusXM's DNC List restricts marketing contacts from SiriusXM only, so you may continue to receive calls from other companies. If you would like to add your number to the National DNC List, you may do so by calling 1-888-382-1222, or online at

If you are a subscriber to SiriusXM or to a service Powered by SiriusXM, or if you have a business relationship with us created by the purchase or lease of an automotive vehicle which came with a complimentary trial period of SiriusXM services, or services Powered by SiriusXM, you may be contacted by SiriusXM even though you are on a state or the National DNC List. If you do not wish to be contacted by SiriusXM even though you are a subscriber, simply follow the steps outlined above to be placed on SiriusXM's DNC List.

Please note that if you request to be placed on SiriusXM's DNC List and you subsequently purchase a SiriusXM product or service, or service Powered by SiriusXM (by any means), and provide a new telephone number to SiriusXM, you will be placed on SiriusXM's telemarketing list unless and until you request that additional number to be placed on SiriusXM's DNC list.

Being on the SiriusXM DNC List restricts telephone solicitations only. We may still contact you for non-solicitation purposes, including about service related issues, surveys, billing, and other topics.

This written SiriusXM DNC policy is available to any person who requests it.

August 22, 2017