Fish Mapping
Whether you're competing in a tournament, out fishing for fun, or taking clients on a charter trip, Fish Mapping identifies specific locations in the ocean with the highest likelihood of finding the fish that you're seeking to catch. Fish Mapping provides regularly updated, science-based data to help you locate fish faster – saving time and fuel. This service includes all of SiriusXM Marine's weather data plus the 8 dedicated features below for offshore anglers.

Fish Mapping App: Subscribers can view their favorite fishing features, plus app exclusive features including ocean currents, historical data, convergence zones, custom routing and a measuring tool on their phone or tablet while on shore to help plan their trip. Learn More ›

Select each feature to learn more


Fish Mapping App

New planning tool for Fish Mapping subscribers

Now subscribers can plan their fishing trip before they head to their boat — with the Fish Mapping App!

Subscribers can view their favorite fishing features, plus app exclusive features including:
• Ocean Currents
• Historical Data
• Convergence Zones
• Custom Routing
• A Measuring Tool
• High-Resolution Structure Mapping
• 25' Contours
• Points of Interest and Depths

The Fish Mapping App can be accessed on a phone or tablet while onshore to help with trip planning.

Learn more about this app by watching the videos below.

Already a subscriber?

Download the app and create your log-in credentials.

Google Play StoreApple App Store

App Access FAQ

Will my app access be available immediately after I subscribe to Fish Mapping?
Your app access will be ready 24 hours after your subscription is active.
How many devices can I have logged on?
App access is limited to 2 devices.
Can I store waypoints?
With version 2 of the app, you are now able to store waypoints.
Can I access app data when I am offshore?
Yes, even when offshore and out of cellular range, you will be able to access any data that you have previously downloaded, as long as the app remains open.
How often does the information update?
Information is updated at the same rate as on your boat’s MFD. Each feature updates daily, except for Fishing Recommendations, which update every Tuesday and Friday.
Is there a PC version available?
No, there is not a PC version available at this time.
Do I have to have a subscription on my boat, or can I purchase separately?
No, you can’t purchase the Fish Mapping App separately. Subscriptions require a compatible satellite-enabled device.
Are these services available outside North America?
No, these services are not available outside of North America. Our service is available over 150NM offshore in the contiguous United States and its coastal regions. For more coverage information, visit
Are the Bahamas covered?
Yes, the Bahamas are covered. Our service is available over 150NM offshore in the contiguous United States and its coastal regions. For more coverage information, visit
Does the Fish Mapping App include weather?
No, the Fish Mapping App does not include weather features. You can view weather only on your boat's MFD.

Questions? Email

Recommended locations where fishing conditions are favorable, by species

Use the information below in conjunction with the individual Fish Mapping features to help you identify locations with favorable fishing conditions for your target species. In general, areas with any fishing recommendations, regardless of the specific species shown, demonstrate locations that are much more likely to have bait fish and the other key oceanographic features that attract game fish. If you don't see recommendations in the area where you want to fish, we recommend that you overlay individual Fish Mapping Features like Plankton Front Strength and Sea Surface Temp Front Strength in to determine the areas where fish are most likely to be found.

Try Fish Mapping and Platinum Plan Entertainment FREE for 1 Month!

See Trial Offer Details below.
With this trial, you'll have all the Offshore weather features plus 8 regularly updated, science-based fishing features. You'll also receive access to the Fish Mapping App and its exclusive features for onshore planning. Whether you're competing in a tournament, out fishing for fun, or taking clients on a charter trip, you'll have the information you need to get you to the spots where fish are most likely to be located, saving you fuel. Plus, you'll have over 150 channels of ad-free music and news, sports, talk, comedy, and more to keep you and your passengers entertained while out on the water.

Subscribe today and get your first month FREE.

Call 1-800-869-5480 and ask for your "1-Month Fish Mapping & Platinum Plan trial!"

Frequently Asked Questions

How often will information update from the satellites to your boat and to the Fish Mapping App?
Updated every 3 hours:
  • Sea Surface Temperature Contours
Updated every day by 5 AM (ET):
  • Sea Surface Height Anomaly
  • Sea Surface Temperature Front Strength
  • 30m Subsurface Temperatures
  • Weed Lines
  • Plankton Concentration
  • Plankton Front Strength
Updated every Tuesday and Friday by 5 AM (ET):
  • Fishing Recommendations
Why do weed lines appear and disappear?
There are several reasons weed imagery can be blocked by cloud cover causing the satellite to not see them. Additionally, weeds can be moved by winds, waves and currents, and they can also disperse and sink below the surface.

Will there be additional fish species added to the Fishing Recommendations feature?
The following 6 species are the current list of Fishing Recommendation locations. More species may be added in the future.
  • Tuna
  • Mahi
  • Swordfish
  • Billfish
  • Wahoo
  • Kingfish
What hardware do I need for Fish Mapping service?
You will need to have a Garmin GXM 54, Raymarine SR200, Simrad or Lowrance WM-4, or Furuno BBWX4 receiver/antenna installed on your boat. Information on compatible hardware can be found here.

What are the areas where the Fish Mapping service is available?
SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping subscribers are able to receive service from anywhere within the SiriusXM satellite footprint, which blankets the 48 contiguous states, Southern Canada and international waters extending hundreds of miles into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. See Coverage Map .

Will I always see Fishing Recommendations in my area when using Fish Mapping?
Fishing Recommendations are locations oceanographers recommend with the ideal conditions for finding specific types of game fish. Locations are based on their expert analysis to help you find the types of fish you’re looking for, faster. Note that if conditions are not ideal for the selected species in your area, a Fishing Recommendation zone will not be displayed. In this case, use the other Fish Mapping features in combination to find the most favorable fishing conditions in areas you plan to fish.

Where does SiriusXM Marine Weather and Fish Mapping Data come from?
The Weather Company, the industry-leading professional weather service supplier for over 25 years, is the source for the weather information for SiriusXM Marine Weather. Fish Mapping data is provided by Maxar and their team of oceanographers. Our weather and fishing data combines NOAA data with information from other government, research, commercial and proprietary sources, and creates timely, accurate weather and fishing information using the most reliable, sophisticated analysis methods and processes in practice today. 

How much does SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping cost per month?
The Fish Mapping plan is $109.99/month and includes all Offshore Weather features (a $64.99 value) plus any applicable activation fee or taxes. You can pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. For more details visit  SiriusXM Marine . We also allow customers to “Seasonally Suspend” service at no charge for up to 6 months when their boat is not in use.

How do I activate my SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping service?
After your receiver is installed, connected to your compatible chartplotter/MFD product and powered up, you can activate your service online or you can call 1-800-869-5480 to activate the service. To activate, be prepared with your SiriusXM radio ID/ESN for your receiver, billing information, and subscription preference for Fish Mapping. In mere minutes after your Customer Care representative enters the information your service will be activated. The SiriusXM radio ID/ESN # of your receiver is accessible via the user interface on your weather viewer display. Hours of operation are Monday - Sunday from 8 AM - 8 PM ET.

Are there any long-term subscription requirements for SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping service?
No. You can subscribe monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. SiriusXM will bill your credit card monthly in advance, and you may cancel your subscription at any time. There will be a $25 activation fee when you reactivate your service. We also allow customers to “Seasonally Suspend” service at no charge for up to 6 months when their boat is not in use.

How can I temporarily suspend service if I won’t be boating for a while (due to winter weather, maintenance, other)?
You can suspend your SiriusXM Marine Weather service at no cost for up to 6 months when you are not using it by calling 1-800-985-9200 and asking to suspend.

If I have questions about my SiriusXM Marine service or billing or other weather service related questions, whom do I contact?
If you have questions regarding your SiriusXM Marine service plan or billing, please contact SiriusXM Marine customer care at 1-800-869-5480. SiriusXM Marine customer care hours of operation are Monday - Sunday from 8 AM - 8 PM ET. You can also email us at

Can I access SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping service online?
Yes, the fishing features from Fish Mapping are available online! You can access them via your phone or tablet at anytime to help plan your trip. Download the Fish Mapping App from your iOS or Android app store.

What is available on the Fish Mapping App?
The Fish Mapping app includes all 8 fishing features available on your boat’s display, plus app exclusive features including ocean currents, historical data, convergence zones, custom routing, a measuring tool, high resolution structure mapping, 25' contours, points of interest and depths on your phone or tablet while on shore to help plan your trip.

More questions about the app? View the App Access tab for the full app FAQs.

What are the Terms & Conditions of SiriusXM Marine Weather and Fish Mapping services?
SiriusXM subscription and hardware are sold separately. The subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at 1-800-985-9200. All fees, content and features are subject to change.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Not all devices are capable of receiving all services offered by SiriusXM. Current information and features may not be available in all locations, or on all receivers. Data displays vary by device; images are representative only. SiriusXM services may include weather and other content and emergency alert information. Such information and data is not for “safety for life,” but is merely supplemental and advisory in nature, and therefore cannot be relied upon as safety critical in connection with any aircraft, seacraft, automobile, or any other usage. SiriusXM is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the data services or their use.

Do you get charged for Fish Mapping per every analysis provided, like some fishing information services do?
No. You will enjoy unlimited fishing recommendation analysis in addition to plankton concentration, weed lines, etc., and all SiriusXM Marine weather features throughout your subscription period across our entire service coverage area. We do not charge customers per analysis.

How long does it take to receive all the most updated fish mapping information?
It will take no more than 20 minutes from the time you first power on your boat's display to load all of the current Fish Mapping data. The information is available for subscribers within in our service coverage area. This includes when you are still at port, or on the ocean for extended fishing trips. In addition, we automatically send data updates, so there is no need for you to send out request for updates once the system is turned on.

Is there any cost to the seasonal suspension service?
No, there is no cost to suspend your service and no reactivation fee. You may suspend your service for up to 6 months when your boat is not in use.


Questions? Comments?

We’d love to get your feedback! Please email us at

Get Fish Mapping.

More Fishing. Less Guessing.™

Subscribing to Fish Mapping is easy!

1.  Purchase and install compatible hardware:

  • Visit the Required Hardware tab for compatible devices
  • $300 reward available (See Reward Terms below)

2.  Call 1-800-869-5480 to subscribe and ask for your 1-month trial

See SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping Features

See Subscription Offer Details below. Initial activation fee may apply.
Includes option to seasonally suspend for up to 6 months per year, at no cost.

Get Fish Mapping.

More Fishing. Less Guessing.™

Subscribing to Fish Mapping is easy!

See Subscription Offer Details below. Initial activation fee may apply.
Includes option to seasonally suspend for up to 6 months per year, at no cost.

1.  Purchase and install compatible hardware:

  • Visit the Required Hardware tab for compatible devices
  • $300 reward available (See Reward Terms below)

2.  Call 1-800-869-5480 to subscribe and ask for your 1-month trial

See SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping Features
Dolphinfish Research Program Logo
Dolphinfish Research Program release

Check out the Dolphinfish Research Program (DRP)!

While dolphinfish, also known as mahi-mahi, are one of the most common game fish caught in the Atlantic Ocean, very little is known about the migration and overall health of the species.

The DRP is the world's largest public tagging system for dolphinfish. Since 2002, the DRP has worked with anglers around the world to tag and release dolphinfish. This data has enabled the DRP to chart the migratory nature of dolphinfish throughout the Atlantic Ocean – critical information necessary to improve dolphinfish management and ensure conservation of the species.

To support DRP and join other anglers who are tagging dolphinfish to improve our knowledge of their life history, movements, and population dynamics, request a free tagging kit at the link below. Whether you hit your daily limit or not on dolphin, if you find small fish consider tagging some for conservation.

REWARD TERMS: To receive a $300 SiriusXM Visa Prepaid Card: (1) Purchase a new Eligible Receiver between February 12, 2025 and June 30, 2025 and (2) Activate it with any SiriusXM Marine Weather or Fish Mapping subscription by July 31, 2025 and (3) MAINTAIN 60 DAYS OF CONTINUOUS PAID SERVICE on that receiver after activation (or after any free trial period), and (4) Submit your receipt(s) and request your reward by October 1, 2025 as outlined below. You don’t have to wait to complete your 60 days of paid service to submit for your reward. Subscription and hardware sold separately. Eligible Receivers: See above or visit for a list of eligible receivers. Who May Redeem? You must be a resident of the 50 U.S & D.C. 18 years of age or older. How To Request Your Reward? Visit (Offer Code# 25-21401) and follow the instructions to submit online or use the Official Reward Form to submit by mail. If submitting by mail, send completed Official Reward Form and a copy of your purchase receipt to SiriusXM Reward Processing to Offer # 25-21401, PO Box 540035, El Paso, TX 88554-0035. All reward requests must be submitted/postmarked on or before October 1, 2025. Limit: 1 reward per receiver, 3 per address. Conditions: Offer not valid on pre-owned receivers. Except for SiriusXM subscription offers or as otherwise stated, this offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Void where prohibited, restricted or taxed by law. SiriusXM is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, missing or misdirected reward submissions. How Long Will It Take? Your Visa prepaid card will be mailed to the name and address provided on your submission within 4-6 weeks from verification of meeting all conditions of this offer. You can check the status of your reward online at or call 1-866-430-5192.
SiriusXM Visa Prepaid Card Details: Card is issued by Pathward®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months; unused funds will forfeit after the valid thru date. Terms and conditions apply

SUBSCRIPTION OFFER DETAILS: The subscription plan you choose will AUTOMATICALLY RENEW and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates for the plan selected, until you cancel. An initial activation fee may also apply. Applicable tax and other fees may apply. See plan details for all rates. Please see our Customer Agreement at for complete terms including our refund policy and how to cancel, which includes online methods or calling us at 1-800-985-9200. All fees, content, and features are subject to change. Service not available in AK or HI.

TRIAL OFFER DETAILS: Activate a new monthly subscription to either (i) SiriusXM Marine Fish Mapping, or (ii) Fish Mapping and a Platinum audio entertainment on the same device and get your first (1) month free for each activated service plus free activation. A credit card is required. After your promotional term ends, your plan(s) will AUTOMATICALLY RENEW every month you will be charged at then-current rates (currently, $109.99/mo. for Fish Mapping and $29.12 for Platinum audio), unless and until you cancel. Applicable tax and other fees may apply. Please see our Customer Agreement at for complete terms including our refund policy and how to cancel, which includes online methods or calling us at 1-800-985-9200. Subscription fees for audio plans are not refundable and cancellation is effective at the end of your then-current billing period. All fees, content and features are subject to change. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer and may be modified or cancelled at any time. Service not available in AK or HI. Subscription and hardware sold separately.

Your audio subscription plan may be eligible for a multi-radio discounted rate if maintained on the same account as an activate full-price SiriusXM Marine Weather or Fish Mapping subscription package or other qualifying SiriusXM audio subscription.

Fish Mapping App: The Fish Mapping App is only available with your Fish Mapping subscription and subscriptions require a compatible satellite-enabled device. The Fish Mapping App is not sold separately. Access to the app may take up to 24 hours from subscription activation to process and access is limited to 2 devices. Internet access is required for the Fish Mapping App. Data rates may apply. Subscription and service fees, content, and features are subject to change.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The SiriusXM Service may include traffic, weather and other content and emergency alert information and data. Such information and data is not for "safety for life," but is merely supplemental and advisory in nature, and therefore cannot be relied upon as safety critical in connection with any aircraft, sea craft, automobile, or any other usage. SiriusXM is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the data services or their use. Service not available in AK or HI.

©2025 Sirius XM Radio LLC. SiriusXM and all related logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio LLC and its respective subsidiaries. All rights reserved.