
FM Channel Finder

Need to find the best FM frequency for your SiriusXM Satellite Radio? Use our FM Channel Finder to help you to get the best listening experience from your radio.

SiriusXM FM Channel Finder searches a FCC-provided database of licensed FM broadcasters to determine the best FM frequencies to use in your car and around your home for your SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

SiriusXM FM Channel Finder is a free resource that you can use any time to find one or more potentially vacant FM frequencies. In most areas, we will give you a choice of up to five frequencies to try, ranked by how far away they are from other radio stations. SiriusXM FM Channel Finder can be used in the 48 contiguous states served by SIRIUS Satellite Radio.

Enter Your ZIP Code

This search will help you find the most suitable FM frequencies to use for your SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

Should you continue to have interference from local radio stations, the following accessories can help improve your SiriusXM experience.